As long as there are children living in poverty and facing inequity, every day is Red Nose Day

Child poverty has long been a crisis, but right now it is nothing short of an emergency. A gift of any size can protect children facing poverty from the ripple effects of COVID-19.

We need your support to help give children living in the most vulnerable communities across the U.S. and around the world a chance at a better life and a brighter future.

As long as there are children living in poverty and facing inequity, every day is Red Nose Day

Even when the unpredictable happens, like the crisis of COVID-19, your ongoing support helps give children living in the most vulnerable communities across the U.S. and around the world a chance at a better life and a brighter future.

A monthly gift goes even further, because giving a little each month adds up to big change.

When you give monthly, you’ll also become a member of The Sandbox, Red Nose Day’s community of monthly givers.

Complete your gift to make a difference.

empowered women

Celebrating Girl (Em)Power


Imagine a world where young girls and women everywhere have equal rights and the power to create opportunities for themselves and others. Today, we’re putting a spotlight on Box Girls: a program we support with our Grantee Partner Laureus Sports For Good.

Meet Grace: Box Girl with a bright future

Grace in the boxing gym
Grace in the boxing gym

“When I continued training, I started having that confidence and courage. If I am a good Box Girl, I will show the rest on how to believe in themselves.” - Grace

When we traveled to Kenya to see Box Girls in action, we met Grace – and at 13 years old, Grace already knows she wants to do something amazing with her life. She wants to help other girls in her community stand up for themselves, become empowered women, and pursue their dreams, whether that is becoming a doctor, or engineer or simply living a life free from violence.

Girls face many challenges where Grace is from in Koro Kocho, a slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Here, women and girls are vulnerable to abuse and aren’t afforded the same rights or opportunities as men. But girls like Grace, and programs like Box Girls, are changing that.

Three years ago, Grace joined Box Girls, a program that empowers young women through learning how to box. But it’s not only about self-defense – It’s about building self-esteem and helping young women understand and exercise their rights.

Box girls Kenya
Sarah and her students during a training session

Sarah, a leader at Box Girls, not only trains the young women in boxing, she also leads a life skills forum that gets the girls talking about what it means to have power within yourself. Through these discussions, they learn how to set life goals and know their rights.

“Thanks to Box Girls Kenya, I enjoy just [seeing the girls] applying themselves. Because for us, we don't have that power. We are just providing a platform [for young girls] to empower themselves.” - Sarah

a Box Girls student wrapping her fists before practice
A Box Girls student wrapping her fists before practice

Because of their involvement with Box Girls, these young women are tearing down gender stereotypes in their community and even within their own families.

“They believe that boxing is meant only for men. Through engaging in it, I can challenge them by telling them [that whatever] a man can do, we can do it too. ” - Emily, another student at Box Girls

They’re now equipped with life skills, self-defense techniques, and friendships that will help them go after their dreams.

Box Girls Kenya

We believe that the future is bright for these young women and for all young empowered women and girls. That the world is better for having balance and for having women who live life on their terms, no matter where they’re from. Thank you for your support of Red Nose Day.


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