As long as there are children living in poverty and facing inequity, every day is Red Nose Day

Child poverty has long been a crisis, but right now it is nothing short of an emergency. A gift of any size can protect children facing poverty from the ripple effects of COVID-19.

We need your support to help give children living in the most vulnerable communities across the U.S. and around the world a chance at a better life and a brighter future.

As long as there are children living in poverty and facing inequity, every day is Red Nose Day

Even when the unpredictable happens, like the crisis of COVID-19, your ongoing support helps give children living in the most vulnerable communities across the U.S. and around the world a chance at a better life and a brighter future.

A monthly gift goes even further, because giving a little each month adds up to big change.

When you give monthly, you’ll also become a member of The Sandbox, Red Nose Day’s community of monthly givers.

Complete your gift to make a difference.

Julia Roberts

4 Years, 40 Million Vaccines


Since 2015, your donations have guaranteed that over 40 million vaccinations were given.

Today, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is matching all donations to Red Nose Day, up to $50,000. 

Please consider giving to help continue to fund this incredibly important work. We can end child poverty – one nose at a time. 

Red Nose Day in Action

In 2017, Julia Roberts traveled to Kenya to see first-hand how your donations are saving and changing lives. In the Wamba Hospital in Northern Kenya, Red Nose Day is helping fund a vaccine program that ensures that young children are getting the healthiest start to life. 

Julia Roberts Vaccine Video

  • Julia Roberts and Bear Grylls trek through Kenya with life-saving vaccines

    WATCH: Julia Roberts treks through Kenya with life-saving vaccines

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    Julia Roberts and Bear Grylls traveled to Kenya to see how your donations are saving children's lives.

From us here at Red Nose Day, from Julia Roberts, and from the millions of children you've helped have a better life:

Thank you.